Saif Haq
B.Arch. (BUET), MS.(MIT), PhD. (GeorgiaTech)
Professor, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University
Google Scholar:
Research Gate:
Haq, Saif and Adil Sherag-Eldin, Co-Editors,
The Research Design Interface,
proceedings of the ARCC 2023 International Conference, Dallas, TX,
Architectural Research Centers Consortium, ISBN 978-1-935125-33-2
Haq, Saif, Holscher, Christoph, Torgrude, Sue,
Co-Editors, (2008)
Movement and Orientation in Built Environments: Evaluating Design Rationale
and User Cognition, Report Series of the Transregional Collaborative
Research Center, SFB/TR 8 Spatial Cognition, Universitat Bremen /Universitat
Freiburg, Germany.
Haq, Saif.
(2023), Strategies for a ‘soft-revolution’ in the design of Bangladeshi
environments, in Fuad H. Mallick, ed., Next 50: Collective Futures
Critical-creative perspectives on the built environment in Bangladesh,
ContextBD (in press)
Haq, Saif.
and Schiefer, Chris (2023), Experience Design for the Immersed Moving
Visitor: Introducing ‘Diachronic Experiences’ and Layout as a Critical
Design and Research Considerations, in Craig Zimring, Lisa Lim and Robert
Stroebel ed. Using the Built Environment as a Tool for Healthcare
Improvement: Advances in Research and Practice, Wiley Publishers (under
Haq, Saif.
(2023), Five Essentail
Decisions for Clarity of Space Syntax Methodology in A. Devlin. and S
Kader, Ed. Strategies for Research in Healthcare Settings: Challenges and
Opportunities, EDRA and Curran Associates, 35-51,
Haq, Saif. (2013). Measuring the 'PLAN': Possibilities of Space Syntax in Healthcare Environments Research, in Anjali Joseph and Upali Nanda eds., Development of Tools for Healthcare Environments Research and Practice. EDRA: 18-24
Haq, Saif. (1990). Commercial Buildings. In Shah Alam Zahiruddin, Abu Imamuddin & Mohiuddin Khan (Eds.), Contemporary Architecture of Bangladesh, Dhaka: Institute of Architects Bangladesh: 60-66
Haq, Saif. (1990). Ali Mian's Goal Talab and Its Surroundings, Dhaka, in Abu H. Imamuddin & Karen R. Longeteig (Eds.), Architectural and Urban Conservation in the Islamic World, Geneva, Switzerland: Aga Khan Trust for Culture: 180-192
Haq, Saif
(2024), The Profession and the Discipline:
Some Thoughts on Healthcare Design Teaching in the USA, in Architecture
into the Unknown, EAAE/ARCC International Conference, Aarhus, Denmark,
May 23-26, 2024 (in press)
Al Rashid, Ahmed and Haq, Saif (2022), Physical Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities in Dammam, Saudi Arabia: A Space Syntax Study, in Resilient City: Physical, Social, and Economic Perspectives, ARCC-EAAE International Conference, March 2-5, 2022
Haq, Saif (2020), Grid Geometry and core structure: Space Syntax analysis of small and medium ‘grid-like’ US cities, published in the proceedings of 2nd Valencia International Biennial of Research in Architecture, EAAE-ARCC International Conference, Valencia, Spain
Haq, Saif. (2018). Where We Walk Is What We See: Foundational Concepts and Analytical Techniques of Space Syntax. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal. issue 12:1 (Winter).
Haq, Saif and
Berhie, G., (2018). Space Syntax investigation of Lubbock, a grid-like American city and some insights into isotropic
layouts, Journal of Urban Design, 23:1,5-22,
Berhie, Girmay and Haq,
Saif (2017), Land Use and Transport Mode choices: Space Syntax Analysis of
American Cities, Enquiry 14(1),pp. 1-22
Berhie, Girmay and Haq,
Saif (2016), Locational preferences and transportation mode choices of different
socio-economic groups in the US: A Space Syntax included case study of two
gridded and two non-gridded US cities, in the proceedings of 11th International Space Syntax
Symposium, Teresa Heitor,
Miguel Serra, João Pinelo Silva, Maria Bacharel,
Luisa Cannas da Silva, (ed) Lisbon, Portugal, pp 45.1 – 45.21
Pentecost, Ray, Haq, Saif., Byrd Theresa (2016) , Designing for Health: at the center of the perfect storm that is redefining how we teach, 2016 ACSA/ / ASPPH Fall Conference, Building for Health and Well-Being: Structures.Cities.Systems, pp. 114-119
Berhie, G and Haq, S, (2015). ‘The Effect of Spatial Configuration on Propensity for Non-Motorized Journey to Work: Case study of a Gridded and a Non-gridded American City’. Space Syntax 10th International Symposium, London: 62-1 – 62.17
Haq, S. and Y.
Luo (2012). ‘Space Syntax in Health-Care Facilities Research: A Review’. Health Environments Research & Design
(HERD) 5(4): 98-117,
Haq, Saif. (2012). ‘Spatial Cognition Research as Evidence–Base for Architectural Design(ing)’. Spatial Cognition for Architectural Design, SCAD 2011 Symposium, Mehul Bhatt, Christoph Holscher, and Thomas Shipley (eds), Universitat Bremen/Universitat Freiburg, Germany: 123-137
Haq, Saif, & Pati, Debajyoti. (2010). ‘The Research-Design Interaction: Lessons Learned From an Evidence-Based Design Studio’. Health Environments Research & Design Journal (HERD), 3 (4): 7592,
Haq, Saif, Hill, Glenn, & Pramanik, Adetania. (2009). ‘Topological configuration in wayfinding and spatial cognition: a study with real and virtual buildings for design relevance’ ARCC 2009 - Leadership in Architectural Research, between academia and the profession University of San Antonio, TX: 171178
Pramanik, Adetania, Haq, Saif, & Curry, Zane. (2006). ‘The use of virtual environment as a tool for wayfinding research in the built environment: A comparison of virtual and real environments’ Interior Design Educator Council International Conference. Scottsdale, AZ.
Haq, Saif, Hill, Glenn, & Pramanik, Adetania. (2005). ‘Comparison of Configurational, Wayfinding and Cognitive Correlates in Real and Virtual Settings. In Akkelies van Nes (Ed.), 5th International Space Syntax Symposium, (Vol. 2). Delft University of Technology: Techne Press. 387-405
Haq, Saif. (2003). ‘Investigating the Syntax Line: Configurational Properties and Cognitive Correlates’. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Pion Publications, London,, 30 (6)(November,), 841-863,
Haq, Saif, & Girotto, Sara. (2003). ‘Ability and Intelligibility: Wayfinding and Environmental Cognition in the Designed Environment’. In Julienne Hanson (Ed.), Space Syntax 4th International Symposium (Vol. 2). London: The Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, University College London. pp 68.61-68.20
Haq, Saif, & Zimring, Craig. (2003). ‘Just down the road a piece: The development of topological knowledge of Building Layouts’. Environment and Behavior, 35(1), 132-160,
Haq, Saif, & Zimring, Craig. (2001). ‘Just down the road a piece: The development of topological knowledge in building layouts’. In John Peponis, Jean Wineman & Sonit Bafna (Eds.), Space Syntax: 3rd International symposium (pp. 48.41-48.17). Ann Arbor: A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.
Zimring, Craig, Khan, Sabir, Craig, David, Haq, Saif, & Guzdail, Mark. (2001). ‘CoOl Studio: using simple tools to expand the discursive space of the design studio’. Automation in Construction, 10 (6), 675685,
Craig, David, Haq, Saif, Khan, Sabir, Zimring, Craig, Kehoe, C., Rick, J., & Guzdail., Mark. (2000). ‘Using an unstructured collaboration tool to support peer interaction in large college classes’. International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Ann Arbor, MI. pp 178-184
Haq, Saif. (1999). ‘Expectation of Exploration: Evaluating the Effects of Environmental Variables on Wayfinding’. In Thorbjoern Mann (Ed.), The Power of Imagination (Vol. 1, pp. 84-94). Orlando, Florida
Haq, Saif. (1999). ‘Can Space Syntax Predict Environmental Cognition’. In Fred Holanda (Ed.), Space Syntax Second International Symposium (Vol. 2, pp. 40.41-40.14). Brasilia, Brazil: Fundacao de Apoio a Pesquisa do Distrito Federal - FAP/DF
Haq, Saif. (1998). ‘CoOl Studio: On-line Environment for Collaboration and Participation in Architecture’ Participatory Design Conference (pp. 175-176). Seattle: University of Washington
Haq, Saif. (1998). ‘Evaluation and Re-evaluation: Lessons in Architectural Practice and Pedagogy’, ACSA. College Station, TX: Texas A & M University.
Haq, Saif. (1995). ‘Bangladeshi Urban Image: Conception of Making’. EARTH, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Mar (2), 20.
Haq, Saif.
(1994). ‘Architecture within the folk tradition: A representation from
Bangladesh’. In Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review: Journal of the
International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, University
of California, Berkeley 5 (2), 61-71,
Haq, Saif. (1994). Humanism and Culture: A Discourse of Architectural Continuity in Bangladesh, Protibesh: Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 17-23.
Hasnath, Syed Abu, & Haq, Saif. (1992). Dhaka’s Past, Present and Future. Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 37(2), 91-124.
Haq, Saif, (2020), Book Review , “Healthcare Architecture as Infrastructure: Open Building in Practice”, in Health Environments Research and Design Journal, 13 (2), pp. 264.266,
Haq, Saif, (2014) Simulating ‘Real Reality’: Are We There Yet?, in Tasulla Hadjiyanni ed. EDRA Connections, #3, Oct, pp.2-4
Haq, Saif, Glenn Hill, Adetania Pramanik, (2011) The Predictive Power of (only) Space Syntax Regarding Wayfinding and Cognitive Mapping
Haq, Saif,
(2010) An inclusive model of wayfinding, and
the question regarding the environment
Haq, Saif. (2001). Complex Architectural Settings: An Investigation of Spatial and Cognitive Variables through Wayfinding Behavior [PhD Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology]. Atlanta.
Haq, Saif. (1992).
Meaning in Architecture: An investigation of
the Indigenous Environment in Bangladesh [MS thesis, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology].
Haq, Saif
(2024),The Genesis and the Development of the
‘Design and Health’ Program, Huckabee College of Architecture, Texas The
University, in Education Philosophy, Program, and Pedagogy for Designing
Health and Healing Environments, intensive of Human Centric Environments,
55th Annual Conference of
the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), June 19-22, 2024,
Portland, Oregon.
Haq, Saif
(2024),Metric Basis of Configuration
Analysis: Comments on Walkability and Neighborhood Design, in Human
Centric Environments, 55th
Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA),
June 19-22, 2024, Portland, Oregon.
Haq, Saif
(2024), The Profession and the Discipline:
Some Thoughts on Healthcare Design Teaching in the USA, in Architecture
into the Unknown, EAAE/ARCC International Conference, Aarhus, Denmark,
May 23-26, 2024
Haq, Saif
(2023), Theoretical
Building Blocks to Studying Diachronic Experiences in Hospital Buildings, in
Environment and Health: Global/Local Challenges and Actions, 54th
Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), June
20-23, 2023, Mexico City, Mexico
Haq, Saif
Modelling Asynchronous Experiences: Contributions of Space Syntax to
Research in Health and Wellness Settings, in EDRA Intensive, Strategies
for Research in Healthcare Settings: Challenges and Opportunities,
Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 53rd Annual
Conference, Health in All Design, Greenville, South Carolina, June
1-4, 2022
Al Rashid, Ahmed
Haq, Saif (2022),
Accessibility of Healthcare Facilities in Dammam, Saudi Arabia: A Space
Syntax Study, in Resilient City: Physical, Social, and Economic
Perspectives, ARCC-EAAE International Conference, Miami, March 2-5, 2022
Al Rashid, Ahmed and Saif Haq, (2021) Three layered accessibility study of a contemporary Saudi Mega Hospital: A Space Syntax Analysis, in Just Environments: Transdisciplinary Border Crossings, 52nd Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), May 19-23, 2021, Detroit, (did not attend due to pandemic)
Haq, Saif (2020), Grid Geometry and core structure: Space Syntax analysis of small and medium ‘grid-like’ US cities, in 2nd Valencia International Biennial of Research in Architecture, EAAE-ARCC International Conference, 11-14 Nov, 2020, Valencia, Spain.
Haq, Saif (2020), Educating Healthcare Design Architects: View from the Profession, in Health Educators Conference, July, 2020, Chicago
Haq, Saif (2020), Transformation of profession and discipline: towards a pedagogical model for healthcare and wellness design, in Transform: Socially Embedded Collaboration, 51st Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), April 4-7, 2020, Tempe, Arizona
Haq, Saif, (2019), Corridors, Configuration, Cognition: Evidence for designing ‘wayfinding-friendly’ public areas in Designing the Future of Healthcare, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
Haq, Saif (2019), Impact of Layout on Startegic Opoertaions and Planning of Helathcare Facilities, in HOM 5308 Healthcare Operations Management and Quality, Professor Ryan Schmidt, Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University.
Pentecost, Ray, Haq, Saif., Byrd Theresa (2016) , Designing for Health: at the center of the perfect storm that is redefining how we teach, 2016 ACSA/ / ASPPH Fall Conference, Building for Health and Well-Being: Structures.Cities.Systems, September 22-24, Honolulu, HI (full paper published)
Haq, Saif (2016), Texas Tech’s Response to the ‘Perfect Storm’ that is Redefining Education in Architecture and Health, in Architecture and Health Education Forum: Integrating Practice and Academia, Healthcare Design Conference, Nov 12-15, 2016, Houston, TX
Wingler, Deborah, Haq, Saif, Lalowski, Timothy, Saaty-Tafoya, Avein, (2016), Design and Space Implications of a PCMH: Guiding the Future, in Healthcare Design Conference, Nov 12-15, 2016, Houston, TX
Haq, Saif and Berhie, Girmay (2016), Topological, geometrical, and metric considerations in Space Syntax analysis and their appropriateness to an urban isotropic grid, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Annual Conference, Innovation :: Shifting Ground, Raleigh, NC, May 18-21, 2016 (abstract published)
Berhie, Girmay and Haq, Saif, (2016), Syntactic Measures of Closeness and Betweenness: A Comparative Analysis of Gridded and Non-Gridded American Cities. Poster presented in Graduate Students annual Poster Presentation, TTU (Category: Humans and their environment)
Berhie, Girmay and Haq, Saif, (2015), The Effect of Spatial Configuration on Propensity for NonMotorized Journey to Work:- Case Study of Gridded and Non-gridded American Space Syntax 10th International Symposium, 13-17th July, London, UK (Full paper published)
Berhie, Girmay and Haq, Saif, (2015), The Role of Configuration on Residential Location Choices and Walkability to Work: Space Syntax Exploration of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Annual Conference, brainSTORM: Dynamic Interactions of Environment-Behavior and Neuroscience, Los Angeles, May 27-30. (Abstract Published)
Berhie, Girmay and Haq,
Saif, (2015), The Role of Configutaion on Land
Use and Transport Mode Choice: Space Syntax Exploration of Pittsburgh, PA. Poster presented Graduate Students annual
Poster Presentation, TTU (3rd
Place winner, Multidisciplinary category)
Ghamari, Hessam, and Saif Haq,(2014) Artworks Landmarks Positioning as Route Selection Predictors, in Jeffery Carney and Kristi Cheramie ed Building with Change, EDRA 45th Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. (Abstract Published)
Haq, Saif. (2012). Measuring the ‘Plan’: Possibilities of Space Syntax in Health-Care Environments Research Paper presented at the, 43rd EDRA annual conference, ‘Emergent Placemaking’, Seattle.(Abstract Published)
Haq, Saif, (2012). Lessons from Spatial Cognition Research on Evidence-Based Architecture, in RePresentations, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Feb 25.
Haq, Saif. (2011). Spatial Cognition Research as Evidence–Base for Architectural Design(ing). Paper presented at the Spatial Cognition for Architectural Design, A symposium of researchers, educators, and industry practitioners, New York. (Full paper published)
Haq, Saif. (2011). Where do people walk in hospitals and why should architects care?, Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association’s (EDRA) 42nd Annual Conference, ‘Make No Little Plans’, Chicago. 2011 (Abstract Published)
Colleen Linn, Saif Haq, Pat Delucia, Sharon Decker, and Glenn Hill. (2011). Automated Dispensing Cabinets: Usability Study Using Virtual Reality Simulation. Poster presented at the EDRA 42nd Annual Conference, 'Make No Little Plans', Chicago. (poster published)
Haq, Saif. (2010). Architecture of Wide Open Spaces. Paper presented at the Angan Studio Lecture, Department of Architecture, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Haq, Saif, & Pati, Debajyoti. (2010). Evidence-Based Design in beginning architectural design: Some lessons from an academic studio Paper presented at the EDRA 41st annual conference: Policy and the Environment Establishing Ground Rules through Environmental Design Research, Washington DC. (abstract Published)
Haq, Saif, & Hill, Glenn, (2009). Configuration, Cognition and Computation. Paper presented at the Faculty Scholarship Symposia, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University.
Haq, Saif, & Torgrude, Sue. (2009). Wayfinding Design: A Case Study. Paper presented at the 40th Annual EDRA Conference, The Ethical Design of Place, Kansas City, Missouri. (Abstract Published)
Haq, Saif. (2008). The Experience of Space Paper presented at the HOM 5308 (HOM III): Consumerism, Legal and Ethical Issues, Patient Safety, Information Technology, and Systems’ Redesign, Rawls College of Business, Healthcare Organization Management, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif. (2008). The Aga Khan Awards for Architecture as Indicators of Architectural Value: The Experience of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the EDRA 39th Annual Conference 'Linking Differences—Defining Action,’ Veracruz, Mexico. (Abstract Published)
Haq, Saif. (2008). The Aga Khan Awards for Architecture as Indicators of Architectural value: The Experience of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Arch 3350, Construction II, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University.
Haq, Saif. (2007). Syntax derived variables in spatial cognition in virtual environments. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 38th Annual Conference, Building Sustainable Communities, Sacramento, CA. (Abstract Published)
Haq, Saif, Boelter, Steven, Torgrude, Susan, & Corncross, Caroline. (2007). The Role of Virtual Environments in Wayfinding Design: A Case Study. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 38th Annual Conference, Building Sustainable Communities, Sacramento, CA. 2007 (Abstract Published)
Haq, Saif. (2006). Wayfinding and Space Syntax. Paper presented at the Arch 5102, Graduate Colloquium, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif. (2006). Principles of Islamic Architecture. Paper presented at the Architecture in Non Western Societies, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif, Pramanik, Adetania, & Curry, Zane. (2006). The use of virtual environment as a tool for wayfinding research in the built environment: A comparison of virtual and real environments Paper presented at the Interior Design Educator Council International Conference, Scottsdale, AZ. (full paper published)
Haq, Saif. (2006). The Use of Virtual Environments as a Tool for Wayfinding Research in Architecture: Comparison of Virtual and Real Environments. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 37th Annual Conference, Beyond Conflict, Atlanta, GA. (Abstract published)
Pramanik, Adetania, & Haq, Saif. (2006). The Use of Virtual Environment as a Tool for Wayfinding Research in Architecture: Conflicts with the Technological Limitations. Paper presented at the Cyberspace and Digital Environments Network intensive Technological Innovations: Conflicts in Social and Built Environments, in Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 37th Annual Conference, Beyond Conflict, Atlanta, GA.
Haq, Saif. (2005). Principles of Islamic Architecture. Paper presented at the Architecture in Non Western Societies College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif. (2005). Environmental Cognition and Wayfinding. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Analysis, Department of Design, College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif, Boelter, Stephen, & Torgrude, Sue. (2005). Wayfinding Evaluation: Does Technique Matter? Paper presented at the Old Theories, New Techniques: Movement Studies in Environment and Behavior, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 36rd Annual Conference, Design for Diversity, Vancouver, Canada. (Abstract published)
Haq, Saif. (2004). American Architecture. Paper presented at the Angan Studio Lecture, Department of Architecture, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Haq, Saif. (2004). Virtual Immersive Environments with User Controlled Movement (VIEUCoM) in Wayfinding Research. Paper presented at the Graduate Colloquium, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif, Girotto, Sara, & Pramanik, Adetania. (2004). Wayfinding in Complex Buildings: The role of Signage. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 35 Annual Conference: Design with Spirit, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Abstract published)
Haq, Saif, Hill, Glenn, Girotto, Sara, & Pramanik, Adetania. (2004). Use of Virtual Immersive Environments with User Controlled Movement (VIEUCoM) in Environmental Cognition Research. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 35 Annual Conference: Design with Spirit, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (Abstract published)
Haq, Saif. (2003). Cognition, Configuration and Computation. Paper presented at the Design Visualization Seminar, College of Architecture, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif, & Girotto, Sara. (2003). Ability and Intelligibility: Wayfinding and Environmental Cognition in the Designed Environment. Paper presented at the Space Syntax: 4th International Symposium London. (full paper published)
Haq, Saif, & Girotto, Sara. (2003). The Role of Relations: Environmental Properties in Sketch Maps and Wayfinding Behavior Paper presented at the Environment Design Research Association (EDRA) 34th Annual Conference, People Shaping Places Shaping Places, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (Poster, Abstract Published)
The abstract was published and was featured as an example of ‘good abstract’ in Call for Submissions for
· Linking Differences / Defining Actions Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 39 Annual Conference, May 28-June 01,2008, Veracruz, Mexico
· Building Sustainable Communities, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 38 Annual Conference, May 30-June 03,2007, Sacramento, CA
· Beyond Conflict, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 37 Annual Conference, May 3-7,2006, Atlanta, Georgia
· Design with Spirit, EDRA 36 Annual Conference, April 27-May 01, 2005, Vancouver, Canada, and
· Design for Diversity, EDRA 35 Annual Conference, June 2-6, 2004, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Haq, Saif, & Hill, Glenn. (2002). 3-D computer interfaces in architectural design. Paper presented at the Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences (ISQS) Colloquium, , Jerry S. Rawls College of Business Administration, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif. (2002). Housing and Urban Development in the Third World. Paper presented at the 20th Annual International Management Workshop, International Center for Arid and Semi Arid Land Studies (ICASALS), Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif. (2002). Role of VIE (Virtual Immersive Environments) for the Study of Movement. Paper presented at the Technologies and Methods for Studying Movement in Designed Spaces, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 33rd Annual Conference, Community: Evolution or Revolution, Philadelphia.
Haq, Saif, & Zimring, Craig. (2001). Just down the road a piece: The development of topological knowledge of building layouts. Paper presented at the Space Syntax: 3rd International Symposium, Atlanta, GA. (full paper published)
Haq, Saif. (2000). Architecture Education from a Distance: Transforming for a new Millennium. Paper presented at the Architecture at a distance: Preserving, Sustaining and Transforming Rural life, Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Southwest Regional Meeting, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX.
Haq, Saif. (2000). The applicability of Space Syntax as a methodology in research on Wayfinding. Paper presented at the Movement in Medium Sized Designed Environments, Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 31st Annual Conference, Building Bridges: Connecting People, Research and Design, San Francisco, California.
Haq, Saif, Zimring, Craig, Rosenheck, Thierry, & Szigeti, Francoise. (2000). Learning from Post Occupancy Evaluation. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) 31st Annual Conference, Building Bridges: Connecting People, Research and Design, San Francisco, California. (Abstract Published)
Haq, Saif. (1999). Expectation of Exploration: Evaluating the Effect of Environmental Variables on Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Annual Conference, The Power of Imagination. Orlando, Florida. (full paper published)
Haq, Saif. (1999). Using the Internet to build a POE/Programming community. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), 30th Annual Conference The Power of Imagination, Orlando, Florida.
Zimring, Craig, Craig, David, Guzdail, Mark, Haq, Saif, & Khan, Sabir. (1999). CoOl Studio: Using Simple tools to Expand the Discursive Space of the Design Studio, Paper presented at the 4th Design Thinking Research Symposium, , MIT, Cambridge, MA. (Abstract published)
Haq, Saif, (1999). Comparison of Classical Chinese and Indian Islamic Gardens. Paper presented at the Arch 2203, College of Architecture, GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, Georgia.
Haq, Saif, (1999). Can Space Syntax Predict Environmental Cognition. Paper presented at the Space Syntax 2nd International Conference, Universidade de Brasilia, Brazil. (full paper published)
Haq, Saif. (1999). Islamic Architecture: Its Conception and Formation. Paper presented at the Arch 2201, College of Architecture, GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, Georgia.
Haq, Saif. (1998). Islamic Architecture: Its Conception and Formation. Paper presented at the Arch 2111, College of Architecture, GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, Georgia.
Haq, Saif. (1998). CoOl Studio: On-Line Environment for Collaboration and Participation in Architecture. Paper presented at the Participatory Design Conference, Seattle, WA. (poster, abstract published)
Haq, Saif. (1998). Evaluation and Re-evaluation: Lessons in Architectural Practice and Pedagogy. Paper presented at the ACSA Regional Conference, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas. (full paper published)
Haq, Saif. (1998). Evaluating the Effect of Environmental Variables in Complex Architectural Settings. Paper presented at the 29th EDRA annual Conference, People, Places and Public Policy, St. Louis, Missouri. (poster, abstract published)
Zimring, Craig, Haq, Saif, Tsepas, Sharon, & Rosenheck, Thierry. (1998). Turning the ‘Ship of State’ The US Department of State POE / Database Program. Paper presented at the 86th Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio. (poster, abstract published)
Poster was also displayed in
• Soupped-Up and Un-Plugged, ACSA Technology Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 14-17 March, 1998
• Research in Design Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, 14-17 April 1998
• American Institute of Architects (AIA) Convention and EXPO 98, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, CA, 14-17 May 1998
• The Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) Spring Research Meeting
This project was previously submitted to Architecture Magazine and Architectural Research Award Competition, 1997
Haq, Saif. (1998). The Effect of Environmental Variables on Wayfinding in Complex Architectural Settings. Paper presented at the Ph.D Program, College of Architecture, GeorgiaTech, Atlanta, GA.
Haq, Saif. (1997). Institutionalizing Environmental Design Research: The Office of Foreign Buildings Operations Post-Occupancy Evaluation Program. Paper presented at the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA), 28th Annual Conference, Space Design and Management for Place Making, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada.
Haq, Saif. (1996). Creating Knowledge Bases for Design and Facility Management. Paper presented at the EDRA Annual conference, Public and Private Places, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Haq, Saif. (1996). Accommodating paradigm change in large Institutions: Layout, Circulation and Wayfinding in emerging healthcare facilities. Paper presented at the EDRA Annual conference, Public and Private Places, Salt lake City, Utah.
Haq, Saif. (1993). Readings from Resplendence: The Islamic Architecture of Isfahan, Paper presented at the AALAP, Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh.